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Por: Andres Recalde Vega, MBA. Mining for the Common Good Toronto, Canada.


Mining projects have always found an area not so easy to handle in social issues. Therefore, social risk has become one of the main factors of success or failure in a mining project. While technical and financial variables can be controlled with some objectivity, the social factor cannot. Even an environmental risk can be managed according to a proper impact mitigation plan. Families, communities and local governments in the area of influence are key stakeholders that must be part of a careful process of relationships and agreements. These agreements must be mutually beneficial. The impact benefits model is a methodology proposal practiced in Canada since the 1970s. It is based on achieving a consensus between the mining company and socially and economically impacted communities for a new project. It is better understood as a parallel between the mitigation of environmental impacts. Environmental impacts can be identified based on scientific and probabilistic methods. In parallel, the social and economic impacts on populations are highly subjective. Such subjectivity can be reduced through a consensual contract that lists the impacts and benefits in consideration. This contract must result from a relationship process that is not casual and short-term. Thus, Impact Benefit Agreements (IBA) are planned, discussed and agreed upon with a methodological approach. This methodology should guide the relationship and, at the same time, control expectations, mitigate the social impact and achieve consensus for the operation. Signing an IBA must be the beginning to grant a social license to operate a mining project. This SLO must be considered an intangible asset of the project. Its correct application must result in mutual benefits for all stakeholders and prevent social conflicts. This would complete the technical, financial, environmental and social feasibility of a project.

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