MINERÍA / MARZO 2019 / EDICIÓN 498 44 www.mineriaonline.com.pe Sistema integrado para el monitoreo, detección, alerta y análisis de las condiciones de somnolencia en operadores de volquete en Compañía Minera Coimolache Por: Ing. Esteban Chumpitaz, Ing. Miguel Pacoticona e Ing. Ricardo Huancaya. Compañía Minera Coimolache (2016) . Técnico Científica Resumen Compañía Minera Coimolache es una empresa productora de oro y plata a tajo abierto ubicada en el departamento de Cajamarca, provincia de Hualgayoc, a dos horas de la ciudad de Cajamarca. Los trabajos realizados en las operacio- nes mineras son muchas veces de alto riesgo, de no tener cuidado pueden traer consecuencias fatales como puede ser la colisión entre dos volquetes de acarreo de mineral que haya tenido como origen la fatiga del conductor. Según información del diario El Comer- cio un 30% de personas sufren de trastor- no de sueño y solo un 10% buscan ayuda médica, el origen de estas afecciones son diversas, el estrés, problemas familiares, ansiedad, etc. Ante esta problemática re- sulta difícil controlar este tipo de trastorno en los operadores de camiones de mineral de la unidad minera Coimolache. Por ello, se trabaja en la prevención con el llenado de formatos, que permite establecer si el colaborador ha tenido un buen descanso, sin embargo, esta información está sujeta a la veracidad por parte del operador del camión de mineral. Por ello, se ha desarrollado el siste- ma para el monitoreo, detección, alerta y análisis de las condiciones de somno- lencia, denominado: Rijch'arichiy palabra quechua que significa “despiértalo”. Este Abstract Compañía Minera Coimolache is an open pit gold and silver producer located in the department of Cajamarca, province of Hualgayoc, two hours from the city of Caja- marca. The works carried out in mining operations are frequently high-risk; if no safety measures are taken, there can be fatal consequences such as the collision between two dump trucks carrying ore due to driver fatigue. According to information provided by the newspaper El Comercio, 30% of people suffer from sleep disorders and only 10% seek medical help. These conditions are cau- sed by various factors such as stress, family conflicts, anxiety, etc. Given this problem, it is difficult to control this type of disorder in ore truck operators at Coimolache mining unit. Therefore, we work on prevention with the filling of forms, which allows us to es- tablish if the employee has had good sleep; however, this information depends on the veracity of the truck operator. This is why a system has been developed for monitoring, detecting, alerting, and analyzing drowsiness, known as: Rijch’arichiy, Quechua word meaning “wake him up”. This system allows real-time detection of driver drowsiness through a Kinect camera installed in the cabin, which is connected to a tablet used to control the fleet. The tablet program processes information and sends this data to the central database storing and reporting drowsiness, as appropriate. The system has an audible alarm inside the truck cab that alerts the driver if the system detects a drowsy state. Information is stored in the database and used through the reports provided by the system. These reports allow to identify the times when drowsiness is most common, as well as the records per operator and per company. Installing the system was quite simple because the components are bundled in a single device, the Kinect camera, which combines different sensors in a single device allowing easy installation and customization by the operator. The implementation of this system is highly cost-effective, since the investment requi- red is minimal and the benefit obtained is significant. In this paper, we will describe the concept of drowsiness and its causes; and through the use of technology, we have developed a system that can promptly detect the operator’s drowsy state to alert, notify and monitor these conditions, thus avoiding traffic accidents.