MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / FEBRERO 2022 / EDICIÓN 533 7 realizó la siguiente estrategia de implementación:  Primera fase. Identificamos las variables que afectaban la recuperación de oro.  Segunda fase. Se analiza las variables para priorizar e identificar las causas críticas o principales.  Tercera fase. De acuerdo al análisis obtenido en la segunda fase, se implementan las soluciones para mejorar la recuperación de oro.  Cuarta fase. Se estandarizan las mejoras realizadas en los procesos, para garantizar un resultado sostenido en la mejora de recuperación de oro. Geometalurgia La geometalurgia es una valiosa herramienta multidisciplinaria que nos permite identificar problemas y reducir el riesgo en los procesos de las operaciones mineras. No existe información suficiente sobre aplicaciones de la geometalurgia en yacimientos polimetálicos con contenido de oro. Geometalurgia 2017 El 2017, se solicita el apoyo de la empresa Transmin Consultants para iniciar un proceso sistemático de recolección y preparación de compósitos con el objetivo de realizar un estudio de Abstract Nexa Atacocha, located in the department of Cerro de Pasco, Yarusyacán district, processes a polymetallic ore with Au content at a treatment rate of 4,600 DMTD. The proportion of ore fed to the concentrator is 80% from the open pit and 20% from underground works. Since 2017, the proportion of ore from the open pit was increasing progressively and also the Au content, from values of 0.35 to 0.50 g/ton, so we saw the imperative need to identify what the Au mineralization was like, was it free or associated with some other element; this work was done in two stages: Geometallurgy - to apply this valuable tool, a multidisciplinary work team was formed with the participation of geologists, metallurgists, and planners with the advice of the company Transmin Metallurgical Consultants, each one with defined objectives. A basic geological study was carried out in the mine and a more complete geometallurgical characterization study, identifying the Au-bearing minerals. Subsequently, with the data and information at hand, our challenge was to stabilize the recovery of this valuable element in order to maintain the economic income for our organization. Six Sigma - To use this tool we also formed work teams in the plant at the metallurgy, operations, and maintenance levels. In order to have a logical and systematized order of application of the four phases of this system, the following implementation strategy was carried out:  First phase. We identified the variables affecting gold recovery.  Second phase. The variables are analyzed to prioritize and identify the critical or main causes.  Third phase. According to the analysis obtained in the second phase, solutions are implemented to improve gold recovery.  Fourth phase. The improvements made in the processes are standardized to guarantee a sustained result in the improvement of gold recovery.