MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / MAYO 2022 / EDICIÓN 536 52 Abstract Since ancient times Peru has been a country of eminent mining tradition since pre-Inca, Inca, colonial, and republican times. In this context, it is not difficult to say that Peruvian mining has played a transcendental role as the main catalyst for productive investment in our country over the years. In fact, since its emergence in the 20th century, mining has been one of the activities that has contributed the most to the Peruvian GDP. It is also evident that, to a great extent, the progress and development of the country is due to the social role played by companies, in this case mining companies. Following this line, it is appropriate to point out that any mining company with a long-term social vision should seek not only its own economic enrichment and the highest profitability of its assets, but also lay the foundations to improve the living conditions of citizens in the area of influence and contribute to the development and growth of the country where it operates. In this context, we cannot deny the great economic and social importance, as well as the leading role that mining activity has been playing for several decades as an instrument of integration, social inclusion and productive development. However, this has not been achieved only with good will on the part of mining entrepreneurs, but also with the adoption of good corporate practices, which began to be implemented in Peru when mining assets that were in the hands of the state were purchased in the 1970s and 1980s. The objective was to guarantee a balance between progress and social wellbeing with the desire for profit and economic growth pursued by mining companies. Es en esta coyuntura, que de manera gradual se fue acogiendo el concepto de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE)1 en las operaciones mineras, pero en general, en sus relaciones con el gobierno y el entorno productivo2. 1 Canessa Illich, Giuliana y García Vega, Emilio. El ABC de la Responsabilidad Social en el Perú. Perú con colaboración de Profuturo AFP. Primera Edición. Mayo 2005. Siklos S. R. Ltda. 2 Vale decir, que el concepto de RSE llega a tener especial trascendencia en las empresas industriales en la década de los 90, porque comienza a integrar la noción de RSE como un fenómeno indispensable dentro de la organización en general. Es de esta manera, que al ser el sector minero particularmente sensible a los distintos cambios y movimientos sociales, como producto de la globalización en el plano tecnológico, social, ambiental y técnico, que se hacía indispensable poner en marcha todo un paquete de medidas estratégicas orientadas a promover la responsabilidad social empresarial que permita un adecuado relacionamiento con sus grupos de interés, coordinando acciones conjuntas en el plano social. En este propósito, es imposible hablar de RSE de las empresas mineras separando la función social de las mismas. Tampoco, podemos abordar integralmente la figura de la RSE, sin antes echar un vistazo a la necesaria búsqueda de equilibrio entre el progreso social y crecimiento económico. Como es natural, estos conceptos