MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / JUNIO 2022 / EDICIÓN 537 31 respectivo. De forma general, el precio del oro, a través del mundo, se calcula en dólares estadounidenses o en euros. Las empresas mineras, son “tomadores de precios”, por lo que tienen que adecuarse a los precios internacionales. Y ello determinará su nivel de rentabilidad y/o permanencia en el mercado. Los precios del oro en los últimos 10 años, han variado desde US$ 800/oz (2008), hasta más de US$ 1,900-oz (su máximo histórico), entre octubre y noviembre de 2012, para luego caer a un nivel cercano a los US$ 1,000 oz., a fines de 2015, y después iniciar un proceso de recuperación y estabilizarse en un rango de US$ 1,200 a US$ 1370 la onza., con una ligera tendencia al alza. La empresa minera Oro-Aqp, productora del metal precioso y localizada en Arequipa, presenta un nivel de costos del orden de U$ 1,224/oz, lo que le ha permitido lograr apreciables ganancias entre fines de 2010 hasta culminado el 2013. Desde finales de 2014 hasta mediados de 2016, presenta resultados negativos y desde esa fecha a la actualidad se ubica casi en el “umbral” de rentabilidad con costos casi iguales a los precios de venta. J.L. Ingenieros Consultores Asociados, ha desarrollado un estudio de mejoras de productividad minera para bajar los costos hasta un nivel cercano Figura 2. Causas. Abstract The main problem of the mining company lies in their weaknesses, which have unbalanced their production processes and are basically manifested in the low productivity of their processes, which affects their operating cost levels, and therefore their economic profitability and competitiveness. Low productivity is explained by high operating costs, which in turn can be explained by a series of causes such as: limited use of soft technologies, poorly qualified personnel, lack of technical and quality standards, among others. Operating costs, measured at a unit cost level (U$ x Ounce of gold), are around U$ 1,200 - ounce, a relatively high level, which has generated profits during the best time of the decade (December 2010 to mid-2014), with record levels of U$ 1600 to 1,900-ounce. However, since late 2014 until mid-2016, it has generated negative results and from that date to the present it remains in the "Profitability Threshold" with costs almost equated with prices. In short, the company's costs are not competitive and this affects the company's profitability and permanence in the market. The causes behind this problem include: High production losses (Lean processes), high levels of capital tied up in warehouses. Unbalances in its production lines and lack of use of hard technologies (efficient machinery) and soft technologies (production software). In addition to the above, the company does not have solid quality control and total machine maintenance systems. Thus, the problem is that the company has deficient production processes, with uncompetitive costs, which would result in loss of profitability and loss of market share. Therefore, the possibility of carrying out a business reengineering is proposed, in order to boost the company using the BSC-Balanced Scorecard techniques and productivity improvement methods.