MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / SEPTIEMBRE 2023 / EDICIÓN 552 109 el conjunto total de las muestras. Finalmente, se llega a especie, identificándose hasta un total de 97 especies diferentes, siendo la Citrobacter farmeri (14%) la que mayor abundancia media obtuvo, seguida de la Rubrobacter bracarensis (11.08%) y la especie Hydrogenophaga soli (7.36%), el resto obtuvieron abundancias medias inferiores al 5%. Hay que tener en cuenta que, a este nivel, el grado de asignación taxonómica fue del 25%, es por ello, que se ha escogido el nivel de género para el resto de los análisis de la abundancia. En cuanto a géneros interesantes, relacionados con ambientes acidificados, que se han podido detectar fueron: Acidibrevibacterium (0.25%), acidófila aislada del agua de drenaje de mina; Acidiferrimicrobium (0.25%), acidófila aislada agua de drenaje de minas de carbón; Acidiphilium (0.29%), acidófila aislada del agua de drenaje de mina; Acidisphaera (0.24%). acidófila aislada del agua de drenaje de mina y aguas termales; Acidithiobacillus (0.87%, en concreto la especie A. ferrivorans como sulfato-oxidante; Anoxybacillus (0.89%), aislada en aguas termales ácidas; Desulfosporosinus (0.04%), anaerobia estricta sulfato reductora; Gallionella (0.15%, especies de este género son capaces de fijar CO2 a partir soluciones minerales salinas con sulfuro de hierro; Metallibacterium (0.16%), anaerobia facultativa ácido-tolerante aislada de un biofilm ácido de una mina de pirita, y Sulfobacillus (0.01%), acidófila aislada de concentrados de oro con sulfuro. Figura 8. Abundancia relativa observada (%) de las especies de procariotas. Cada barra vertical representa una muestra (N=13). Se presentan las especies más abundantes en todas las muestras y los taxones con una abundancia global inferior al 1% fueron colapsados en una sola categoría nombrada como “Otros” (en gris). Figure 8. Observed relative abundance (%) of prokaryote species. Each vertical bar represents one sample (N = 13). The most abundant species in all samples are shown and taxa with an overall abundance of less than 1% were collapsed into a single category named "Other" (in gray). soil samples (ANC and SNC) whose first phylum was Actinomycetota with 47.8% and 32.56%, respectively. In terms of class, up to 58 different classes were detected, highlighting: Actinomycetes (36.95%), Bacilli (28.49%), Gammaproteobacteria (8.4%), Alphaproteobacteria (3.76%), Clostridia (3.56%), Betaproteobacteria (3.47%). The rest showed mean abundances below 3%. A total of 77 different orders were detected, with Actinomycetales (38.02%), Caryophanales (17.64%), Lactobacillales (5.78%) and Pseudomonadales (4.87%) standing out in average abundance; the rest showed an average proportion of less than 5%. At the family level, the families Pseudonocardiaceae (28.62%), Bacillaceae (10.98%), Nocardiopsaceae (8.22%) and Lactobacillaceae (4.73%) stood out. A total of 109 families were detected. The rest of the families showed mean abundances below 5%. In terms of genera, a total of 98 different genera were detected, the most abundant being the genus Prauserella (36.87%), present in AC samples (45.30%), in ANC samples (60.25%) and in SNC samples (37.22%), but in very low abundance in SC samples (1.91%). Followed by other genera but with an overall lower mean abundance, Lactobacillus (5.77%), this genus being higher in the SC samples (19.14%) but not in the AC, ANC and SNC samples (3.71%, 0.89% and 0.00%, respectively); the genera Citrobacter (4.42%), Propionibacterium (3.49%), Clostridium (3.36%), Corynebacterium (3.20%), Hydrogenophaga (3.16%), Pseudomonas (3.02%), the remaining genera represent less than 3% on average in the total set of samples. Finally, a total of 97 different species were identified, being the species Citrobacter farmeri (14%) the one with the highest average abundance, followed by the species Rubrobacter bracarensis (11.08%) and the species Hydrogenophaga soli (7.36%), the rest of the species obtained average abundances lower than 5%. It should be noted that, at the species level, the degree of taxonomic assignment was 25%, which is why the genus level has been chosen for the rest of the abundance analysis. As for interesting genera, related to acidified environments, that could be detected were: Acidibrevibacterium (0.25%) [acidophilic isolated from mine drainage water], Acidiferrimicrobium (0.25%) [acidophilic isolated from coal mine drainage water], Acidiphilium (0.29%) [acidophilic isolated from mine drainage water], Acidisphaera (0.24%) [acidophilic isolated from mine drainage water and hot springs], Acidithiobacillus (0.87%, specifically the species A. ferrivorans as a sulfate-oxidizer), Anoxybacillus (0.89%) [isolated from acidic hot springs], Desulfosporosinus (0.04%) [sulfate-reducing strict anaerobe], Gallionella (0.15%, species of this genus are able to fix CO2 from saline mineral solutions containing iron sulfide), Metallibacterium (0.16%) [acid-tolerant facultative anaerobe isolated from an acidic biofilm of a pyrite