MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / SEPTIEMBRE 2023 / EDICIÓN 552 156 El primer gobernante de los Yaros, según esta versión, sería Cápac Apo Pacarimoc. Mencionan que los Yaros eran de origen aimara, moradores de territorios situados a gran altitud en la parte sur de la cordillera de los Andes, que provenían del altiplano, probablemente de la Meseta del Collao o de las cercanías del Lago Titicaca, que por razones aún no esclarecidas hasta la actualidad, invadieron gran parte de la zona central del actual territorio peruano, este suceso debió ocurrir en el siglo XII d.C. El territorio de origen de los Yaros, estaba situado a una altitud algo superior a los 4,000 metros sobre el nivel del mar, llegando incluso a los 4,800 msnm. Esta región natural es denominada puna y se caracteriza por el intenso frío. Su principal actividad económica sería la crianza de camélidos andinos, en especial llamas y alpacas, también guanacos, que les servían para su alimentación y textiles. Las llamas eran utilizadas como medio de transporte en sus intercambios comerciales. En la agricultura, su principal cultivo era la papa, algunas de variedad amarga eran convertidas en una harina llamada chuño, el cultivo lo realizaban en andenes y en terrenos llanos. Para problemas estomacales utilizaban una arcilla llamada chago. Los aimaras en un determinado momento, al parecer a finales del siglo XII d.C. y sin precisarse los motivos, inician una invasión en el mundo andino; invaden, asaltan y destruyen dos poderosos estados imperiales de ese entonces: Tiahuanaco y Wari. Taipicala capital de los Tiahuanaco, situada a unos 20 kilómetros al sureste del lago Titicaca, no tuvo The first ruler of the Yaros, according to this version, was Capac Apo Pacarimoc. It is mentioned that the Yaros were of Aymara origin, inhabitants of territories located at high altitude in the southern part of the Andes Mountains, who came from the high plateau, probably from the Collao Plateau or the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, which for reasons not yet clarified to date, invaded much of the central area of the current Peruvian territory. This event must have occurred in the 12th century AD. The territory of origin of the Yaros, was located at an altitude of slightly more than 4,000 masl, above sea level, even reaching up to 4,800 masl, this natural region is called puna, a region characterized by extreme cold. Their main economic activity was the raising of Andean camelids, especially llamas and alpacas, as well as guanacos, which they used for food and textiles; llamas were used as a means of transportation in their commercial exchanges. In agriculture, their main product was potatoes, some of the bitter variety were converted into a flour called chuño, the crop was cultivated on terraces and flat lands; for stomach problems they used a clay called chago. The Aymara at a certain moment, apparently at the end of the 12th century AD, and without specifying the motives, began an invasion of the Andean world; they invaded, assaulted and destroyed two powerful imperial states of that time: Tiahuanaco and Wari. Taipicala, capital of Tiahuanaco, located about 20 kilometers south-southeast of Lake Titicaca, had no response to the attack of the Aymara who invaded them. They advanced from south to north. It is mentioned that they came from Tucumán (in the current Republic of Argentina) and Coquimbo (in the current Republic of Chile). Tiahuanaco at that time covered the territories of Puno, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna, southern Peru, Antofagasta, northern Chile and Chuquisaca and Potosi, southern Bolivia. Huari, capital of Wari, located about 25 kilometers north-east of the current city of Ayacucho, was also invaded and destroyed by the Aymara of Collao. Tantamayo (Huánuco).