MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / MARZO 2024 / EDICIÓN 558 57 Abstract In today's globalized world, the dynamics of the volatility of international metal prices (gold, silver, copper, zinc, etc.) are highly variable during periods of financial instability, and the impact of declining metal prices has had a strong impact on the economies of mining producing and trading countries. At present the price of metals, especially copper, is an exogenous variable, which we cannot control, for example if we recall the global financial crisis (2008/2009), Chinese stock market correction (2015/2016) and the COVID-19 crisis, we can deduce that the fall in copper prices in the present pandemic shares the trends of the other periods; however, its fall has been smaller, its stabilization faster and the recovery much more pronounced than in previous periods. This situation forces us to rethink the economic issue and set the cost with a balance point as optimal as possible, which allows us to survive and avoid traumatic reduction measures, since the impacts differ when competing mining corporations have lower operating costs, with balance points of greater slack and management product of the application of a "Successful Management System" implemented in the course of its mining life. This management philosophy is reflected in an "Ideal Management Model" that explains the leadership assumed in the last two decades by the Executive Presidency and General Direction of Operations of Southern Peru, counting for this work with the respective approvals, because this valuable experience is evidenced in the exposition of the model and the development of an Emblematic Project as an example "Construction of the Cuajone Dome on the spot with more than one million three hundred thousand hours without accidents and with high productivity", approximately two years of execution shown in a five-minute video. This Ideal Asset Management Model should include Reliability within the Maintenance function, as an important and necessary factor that merges with positive synergy the components of the trinomial (Assets, Operation and Maintenance) to maximize production within the value chain and being more efficient and effective, since it has the ultimate goal of integrating with Social and Environmental Responsibility in an environment of Labor and Social Peace to allow any organization of the Large Mining maximize its objectives generating growth and development in society. To this end, it is necessary to conceive that Conscious Capital in large-scale mining is no longer only aimed at generating greater profits or profitability within the organization, but also at generating value in terms of Social and Environmental Responsibility in the first and second ring of the environment and with labor peace within the corporation, ensuring that all activities and operations are carried out within the legal framework, both at internal, as well as local/national and international levels. The model seeks to "Integrate" with "Integrity" and therefore considers policies and procedures that promote integrity in "Acting" with compliance with ethical and legal standards at all levels.