MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / JUNIO 2024 / EDICIÓN 561 45 Abstract In this research, the dispersion of Geological Strength Index (GSI) values obtained with quantitative and qualitative approaches has been evaluated, for which four rock outcrops of different geomechanical quality have been analyzed. The subjective component associated with qualitative or visual methods has been studied by conducting a virtual survey in a group of forty participants made up of civil engineers, geological engineers and mining engineers from Peru, Spain and Chile, who were provided with a sheet with a photograph of the rock mass along with its basic description, it was observed that the GSI values obtained conform to a normal distribution characterized by a mean value and a standard deviation, which in some cases may have moderate to high coefficients of variation (COV). Subsequently, the dispersion of the GSI values obtained with the quantitative formulations has been evaluated, and the results have been incorporated into regional databases in order to evaluate trends, mainly of the GSI-RMR' relationships. The results of the study indicate that the average GSI values obtained with both approaches are similar, however, with the quantitative methodologies, COV values classified as low to moderate were obtained, which is in better agreement with the suggested COV values for GSI. Nevertheless, quantitative methodologies should be used with caution, taking into account the characteristics of the rock masses on which the relationships have been defined. diversos investigadores (e.g., Sonmez y Ulusay, 1999, 2002; Cai et al., 2004; Russo, 2009) plantearon formulaciones cuantitativas en función de parámetros característicos del macizo rocoso, tales como el RQD (Deere, 1963) la condición de juntas (JCond89) o el volumen de bloque (Vb), en concordancia con lo sugerido por Hoek (1999), quien indicó que los ingenieros se sienten más cómodos utilizando parámetros del macizo rocoso que se pueden expresar mediante números. A pesar de ello, se observó que en algunos casos la aplicación de las formulaciones cuantitativas puede dar como resultado valores muy dispersos del GSI, por lo que es necesario Figura 1. Vista de los macizos rocosos evaluados.