MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / SEPTIEMBRE 2024 / EDICIÓN 564 77 Abstract The development of productive activities, whose main input is the water resource in the Tacna region and especially in the upper basins, make these activities a challenge, due to factors such as climate variability, the location of the Tacna region at the head of the Atacama Desert and the available water supply that Tacna has for meeting the various demands. The particular characteristics of the Tacna Region mean that there is only significant rainfall in only three months of the year (January to March) and the rest of the year is dry. The various climate projection models establish that temperature and evaporation parameters will increase while surface runoff will decrease, affecting the most vulnerable populations, whose economic activity is agriculture and livestock, especially in the high Andean zones. Mitigation actions must be taken in the short, medium and long term, working not only on the creation of infrastructure to store water in the flood months for use in the most critical period of low water (October - December) but also on the continuous improvement of the management and good administration of water resources and its associated infrastructure that allows farmers to develop their productive activity with the least possible impact in the face of extreme events and also in the face of climate variability, which is the most frequent and hits the economy of farmers. However, while the process of generating a water culture and improving the management and administration of water resources for irrigation is taking place, it is very important to develop investments in key projects that will generate dynamism in the local economy and allow the development of the families in the area that benefit from these projects. But it is also important to be prepared to face these challenges because if we do not know what we are going to face we will not know where to invest and the studies carried out in the Tacna Region are powerful management tools to direct, guide and manage resources towards areas and communities where it is known that they will be the most vulnerable to the effects of the described nature. y buena administración del recurso hídrico y su infraestructura asociada que permita a los agricultores desarrollar su actividad productiva con el menor impacto posible ante eventos extraordinarios y también ante la variabilidad climática que es la que se muestra con más frecuencia y golpea la economía local. No obstante, mientras se va dando el proceso por generar una cultura del agua y mejora en la gestión y administración del recurso hídrico para riego, es muy importante desarrollar inversiones en proyectos clave que generarán dinamismo en la economía local y permitirán el desarrollo de las familias de la zona beneficiaria de estos proyectos. Pero es importante también estar preparados para afrontar estos desafíos porque si no conocemos a que nos vamos a enfrentar, no sabremos dónde invertir y los estudios realizados en la región Tacna, son instrumentos de gestión poderosos para dirigir, orientar y administrar los recursos hacia zonas y comunidades dónde se