MINERIA magazine, an official publication of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), has been published since May 1952 as a valuable instrument to spread information about cutting-edge technology and scientific developments in different fields related to the mining activity, as well as institutional information, and national and foreign mining information. It currently publishes weekly informative publications and a monthly technical edition with new features such as the inclusion of links to web pages, brochures, social networks, and videos for illustration purposes, with the possibilities offered by the audiovisual media, news, articles, or announcements that are published. In this way, it continues to be a powerful specialized media in the mining field, with approximately 20,000 readers per week in the different platforms. MINERÍA magazine, which celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2022, is a pioneer among publications aimed at the mining community and has a web page [www.revistamineria.com.pe], which is visited by thousands of people globally, and has a significant presence in social media, consolidating its position as the best gateway to the mining sector. The Director