MINERÍA la mejor puerta de acceso al sector minero MINERÍA / AGOSTO 2024 / EDICIÓN 563 30 Tabla 4. Parámetros de Cinética de Flotación Parámetro Prueba Promedio Desviación Estándar k (min-1) 1.7478 1.5232 1.4971 1.5535 1.5804 0.114 RI 0.9497 0.9406 0.9309 0.9488 0.9425 0.009 ø(min) 0.1321 0.2375 0.1818 0.1640 0.1788 0.044 Comparison of Techniques. Transactions, Mining and Metallurgy. C89-C96. 3. Roberts, T., Firth B.A., and Nicol, S.K. 1982. A Modified Laboratory Cell for the Flotation of Coal. International Journal of Mineral Processing. Vol. 9, pp. 191-200. 4. Sung-Su Do. 2010. Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Denver Laboratory Flotation Cell. Thesis. Department of Mining, Metals and Materials Engineering McGiII University. Montreal, Canada. 5. Koh, P.T.L., Schwarz, M.P. 1954. CFD Model of a Self - Aerating Flotation Cell. Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries CSIRO, Australia, pp. 1-6. December, 2006. 6. Denver Equipment Company Handbook. 7. Legend Inc. 2007. Denver D12 Laboratory Flotation Machine. Installation and Operation Instructions. 8. Crozier, R. 1992. Flotation. Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing. Pergamon Press. 9. Sadler, L. 1972. Dynamic Response of the Continuous Mechanical Froth Flotation Cell. Figura 16. Resultados de la prueba de cinética de flotación de zinc. SME. Pre-Print Number 72-H-336. October. 10. Luttrell, G.H., Yoon, R.H. 1983. Automation of a Laboratory Flotation Machine for Improved Performance. International Journal of Mineral Processing. Vol. 10, pp. 165-172. 11. Hanumanth, G.S., Williams, D.J.A. Design and Operation Characteristics of an Improved Laboratory Flotation Cell. Minerals Engineering. Vol. 1(3), pp. 177-188. 1988. 12. Cherevaty, R.M., Agar, G.E. 2004. The Design of a Laboratory Flotation Cell for Rate Measurements. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. Vol. 43, No 1, pp.43-50. 13. Negeri, T. 2021. Flotation-Calcination-Magnetic Separation Hybrid Process for Concentration of Rare Earth Minerals Contained in a Carbonatite Ore. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 9, pp. 271-289. 14. Agar, G.E. 2003. Personal Communication. March. 15. Agar, G.E. 2005. Personal Communication. January. 16. Harris, C.C. 1976. Flotation Machines. Flotation. Vol 2, AIME, pp. 753-815. 17. Arbiter, N., Harris, C.C., Yap, R.F. 1976. The Air Flow Number in Flotation Machines Scale-Up. International Journal of Mineral Processing. Vol 3. 9, pp. 257-280. 18. Agar, G.E. 1980. Stratton-Crawley, R., Bruce, T. Optimizing the Design of Flotation Circuits. CIM Bulletin Vol 73, No 824, pp. 173-181. 19. Agar, G.E. 1987. Simulation in Mineral Processing. Mineral processing Design. Editors: Yarar, B., Dogan, Z.M., pp. 268-287. 20. Agar, G.E. Barret, J.J. 1983. The Use of Flotation Rate Data to Evaluate Reagents. CIM Bulletin Vol 76, No 851, pp. 157-166.