Trabajo ganador en el área de Innovación y Tecnología en Conamin 2024.Por: José Estela Ramírez, gerente del Proyecto, Compañía Minera Poderosa. AbstractThis paper details the implementation of the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) at Compañía Minera Poderosa. The project consists of the implementation of a 4 MW / 8 MWh BESS, to reduce power and main transmission charges for the purchase of electricity from the national grid, and to reduce fuel consumption for thermoelectric generation.The BESS consists of 4 lithium battery containers of 8 MWh in total, 20 inverters of 4 MW in total, 2 power transformers of 5 MVA in total, an EMS (Energy Management System) and a software predictor of maximum electrical demand of the national grid.The BESS batteries are charged during the off-peak hours of the mining operations and discharged, or delivered to the mining unit's grid, during the period of maximum demand of the interconnected system (on-peak hours). For the discharge of the energy stored in the batteries, a software predictor of the maximum daily demand of the SEIN is used, which indicates the hourly range of operation of the batteries, thus reducing electricity consumption peaks of the operations in that range. At the end of each month, Poderosa's electricity supplier bills, among other charges, the consumed or coincident power, which decreases due to the operation of the BESS, resulting in savings in the monthly electricity bill.The application of the BESS is known as Peak Shaving, also known as shaving during peak hours of the SEIN.
El 24% de la inversión pública ejecutada en 2024 se financió con canon y regalías minerasSeguir leyendo