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Septiembre 2024

Optimization of operating and non-operating times with telemetry systems in underground mining

Por: Romina Martínez, Christ Barriga, Dean Marca, Katherine Chipana, Kathleen Elorreaga, Luis Ventura, Manuel Mendoza y Renato Colana, Facultad de Ingeniería y...

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English Version

Risks and opportunities for the mining sector: expectations around ESG aspects, climate change and license to operate from a le

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English Version

Use of laboratory tests and piezocone tests for the evaluation of post-earthquake resistance in mine tailings

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English versionSeptiembre

Flotation cell with froth deflector

Por: Jorge Ganoza, metalurgista.AbstractThere is a long-standing challenge in the mining industry to improve the results of laboratory flotation test programs and...

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English versionAgosto

Management system for large tailings storage facilities. How to eat that elephant

Por: Edgar R. Quiroz, gerente de Relaves y Aguas en MMG Minera Las Bambas. AbstractTailings occur at the intersection of a complex system...

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English versionAgosto

Design and automation of the unitary activities at Compañía de Minas Buenaventura - Yumpag project

Por: Yhim Cerrón Piñas, consultor y Thiago Nantes, gerente de Proyectos, Compañía de Minas Buenaventura.AbstractCurrently, one of the challenges we face as...

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English versionAgosto

Circular economy in mining through shotcrete using recycled polyethylene terephthalate

Trabajo ganador en el área Gestión y economía minera de Conamin 2024.Por: Elvis Arias Quispe, docente, investigador y consultor.  AbstractThis paper examines the feasibility...

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