English VersionSeismic data processing and determination of demand vs. bearing capacity in seismically active zones using the Rockburst HazardSeguir leyendo
English VersionA systematic approach with technology to increase the production of fine copper in flotationSeguir leyendo
English VersionHeap leaching of gold-bearing ore with high clay content - Shahuindo mine caseSeguir leyendo
English versionDiciembreAnalysis of a stratigraphic profile Lima at MarangaPor: Rafael Vega Centeno, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; Carlos Toledo, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; Luis Huamán, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, y Grace...Seguir leyendo ...
English versionDiciembreIncrease in the filtration rate of copper concentrates as a result of the operational optimization of the Larox paste thickenerPor: Eleuterio Rivera Álvarez y Miguel Galindo Romero, Compañía Minera Antamina.AbstractAntamina is a skarn-type polymetallic deposit that produces copper, zinc, molybdenum, silver and lead...Seguir leyendo ...
English versionDiciembreComparative analysis by limit equilibrium and finite element methods on tailings dam safetyPor: Jose Luis Ramírez, GeoRam SRL.AbstractThe study evaluates the stability of mining tailings dams in Peru, highlighting the frequent use of traditional...Seguir leyendo ...
English versionDiciembreLithium battery energy storage (BESS) to reduce costs and increase electrical reliability at Compañía Minera PoderosaTrabajo ganador en el área de Innovación y Tecnología en Conamin 2024.Por: José Estela Ramírez, gerente del Proyecto, Compañía Minera Poderosa. AbstractThis paper...Seguir leyendo ...