Por: Jesús Fuentes y Jhonny Torre, Instituto, Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico.AbstractIn the prospecting study of industrial rock and mineral resources (RMI) that Ingemmet has been carrying out at the country level, it is in the Pasco region, that new evidence of phosphate occurrences have been found, south of Ticlacayán, an area of great lithostratigraphic interest located in Jurassic sedimentary sequences of the upper part of the Aramachay Formation, equivalent to what was recorded in the Mantaro Phosphates deposit in the Junín region, considered as lithotectonic because they constitute or are a host rock for mineral substances of great economic importance, capable of having a great influence on the economic development of the country.The Aramachay Formation is the intermediate member of the Pucará Group, it is formed by dark gray to bituminous limestones with black marly and pelitic levels; towards the upper part it contains clastic horizons whose lithology is quartz sandstone with some phosphate mineral grains.Geochemical studies have reported significant P2O5 values ranging from 2.09 to 4.89%, the main mineral present being Fluorapatite.Phosphate minerals, through various presentations, its main use is in agriculture, due to its great importance as a fertilizer in crops, having a direct relationship with the quality of fruits or rhizomes.