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According to information from the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM), after four years reporting consecutive falls and along with the increase of metal prices, during 2017, all capitals allocated to exploration in Peru increased by 34.2%, from US$ 366.7 million to US$ 492 million, representing 10% of total mining investments, which reached US$ 4.921 million.

According to MINEM's Mining Promotion Directorate, during the last decade, nationwide, over US$ 5,700 million were disbursed for exploration; in 2012, a record of US$ 905.4 million was reported, followed by 2011 with US$ 869.4 million, 2013 with US$ 776.4 million, 2014 with US$ 616.3 million, 2010 with US$ 615.8 million and 2015 with US$ 526 million.

For 2017, investments made by Compañia de Minas Buenaventura led the ranking with US$67 million, mainly from its concessions Orcopampa (Arequipa), Uchucchacua (Lima) and Lulicocha (Pasco).

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