Por: Erwin Olivera Orellana, superintendente de Perforación y Voladura, y Federico Salazar Montoya, superintendente de Gestión Mina, Minera Las Bambas.AbstractMinera Las Bambas implemented an integrated management model within the Mine Training area with the objective of preparing, strengthening, monitoring and revalidating the theoretical and practical skills of heavy equipment operators, through an adequate training process that uses first-class standards, infrastructure and technology, adding value to the mining cycle. Between 2017 and 2019, the mine fleet equipment grew for the future development of the pit, generating a need to recruit, train and adapt local and external operators; for which a safe and efficient training process was designed, focused on two objectives: ν Develop local personnel skills, as part of the social commitment with the surrounding communities, promoting the "Formación Cero" (Training from Scratch) program for mining trucks and auxiliary equipment, aimed at all people living in the various communities belonging to the mine's direct area of influence, reaching 34% of the local workforce. In addition, this objective helped mitigate the absenteeism of external personnel generated by the 2020-2021 pandemic. ν Develop the multifunctionality of heavy equipment operators, which allowed us to achieve an annual average use of truck availability of 88%, obtaining an annual increase of 5.6% in tons moved. Finally, this mine training management model is aligned with the gender inclusion policies of Minera Las Bambas, achieving an increase in the participation of women within the Mine Operations Management, with 40 women among employees and operators in the fleet of trucks and auxiliary equipment.