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Trabajo presentado en el VII Simposio Peruano de Geoingeniería

Por: César Fuentes y Eduardo Casas, Datageo SAC.


The Dataverso software is an immersive digital tool whose main objective is to meet the current needs of the mining industry, allowing the user to take strategic operations and associated tasks that are currently performed in person, to the metaverse, thus reducing human exposure to sites with risks and hazards typical of the industry and to sites without access, while optimizing resources and operating times.

Some of the areas and stages in which this tool can be implemented are areas such as geotechnical engineering, geology, planning, among others, and which involve tasks that today require the presence of personnel at the site of interest, such as: inspection of benches, identification of structures, structural mapping, instabilities, design and planning, geotechnical reconciliation, among others. In addition, it is a tool that allows inspections and analysis of sectors without access to personnel.

Dataverso software will contribute to the optimization of human and economic resources and the safety of people and the mining business.

This software will make it possible to deploy high-resolution topographic surveys carried out by drones in an environment where the use of virtual reality will allow professionals to remotely immerse themselves in the mine slopes.

Considering that Dataverso, which is focused on visual inspections at this stage, has support tools such as measurement and drawing systems and the deployment of a chart that allows the mapping of the Condition Factor.

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