Por: Segundo Velásquez Miranda, superintendente de Planta; Enrique Mego Estela, jefe de Procesos Planta y Robert Montes Quispe, Jefe de Planta ADR, Compañía de Minas Buenaventura.AbstractMinera Coimolache's leach heap, after 11 years of operation, currently only has space to load ore in lift 18 at 150 m. from the base geomembrane. This height restricts the reception of pregnant grades in the PLS pond at 31 days due to the percolation rate, which has been determined at 5 m/day, considering a retained humidity of 10%. In addition, the quality of the ore hauled from the Ciénaga and Mirador pits has fine contents of up to 60% m-1/8 on average, which impairs the percolation of the cyanide solution through the ore pile.Therefore, after receiving approval from the DGM (Resolution No. 225-2019-MINEM-DGM-DTM/PB), an area of 4.82 ha was sealed to the west of the pile in lift 18 with a direct connection to the PLS pond, which in turn feeds the production plants, in order to reduce the time of fresh water supply and consequent compliance with the budget.The results of this methodology were documented with positive results in:ν Increased Au recovery to 79% from a historical 74%.ν Compliance with the annual budget from 2020 to the present.ν Reduced concentration of cyanide elements in the solutions percolating from the heap, reducing the consumption rates of the effluent treatment plant.Based on the above, it is concluded that the methodology of implementing dynamic cells in the leaching process at Minera Coimolache is efficient, and because of the results obtained, it will be considered in the plans for the following years of operation.