Presentado en el V Seminario Peruano de Geoingeniería.Por: Ernesto López Pomareda, Compañía Minera Sierra Sun Group – Unidad Sierra Antapite.AbstractThis paper aims to evaluate the conditions or criteria for the applicability of the Split Set Cemented bolts in workings considered as permanent. Taking into consideration that: Split set bolts, due to their load capacity or resistance to pull out (low), are normally used in the support of temporary workings.The following hypothesis was put forward: What effect would there be on the capacity of the bolt by increasing the internal radial force of the split set with Cembolt cartridges or by injecting cement?It was concluded that it is feasible to use cemented split sets in permanent works. Considering that with the application of Cembolt (cement) to the split sets, these considerably increase their load capacity, as demonstrated in the pull-out tests carried out during the evaluation of this study.