Por: Michael Valencia y Alex Santisteban, Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (Ingemmet), y César Chávez, Universidad de Brasilia, Laboratorio de Geocronología y Estudios Geodinámicos y Southern Copper Corporation – Agencia en Chile.AbstractHuancavelica epithermal deposits are located in the volcanics of the Western Cordillera in the Central Andes and show a Pb isotopic signature related to the soil substratum, and possibly an influence of the Paracas terrain. The Bethania mineralizing fluids have a strong interaction with the Jurassic-Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks that generate mineralization. In La Virreyna, hydrothermal fluids interact with the Oligo-Miocene volcanic rocks, thus generating veins and bodies disseminated at depth. While in Cahuiña they are strongly affected by the coastal batholith, generating Cu enrichment, where porphyries could have developed at depth.